Reinventing the company

Reinventing the company

for the Digital Age


20,00 €

BEZa barne

Ez dago eskuragarri

Reinventing the company

for the Digital Age

ISBN 978-84-16142-92-7
Orriak 452
Urtea 2019
Argitaletxea Turner
Saila Arquitectura Y Diseño

· The seventh edition of BBVA annual series dedicated to explore

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and disseminate the key issues of our time, this time the goal is
to unveil the new digital business models for the company of the
21st century.
· Recognized and esteemed scholars from around the world
tackle, in an accessible language, the most current knowledge of
the internet as a change agent.
· The essays delve around themes like: the impact of social
analytics and social interaction, structure and organization,
the future of work, virtual workplaces and organizations,
digital management, labor economics and human resource
management, internationalization, gender and diversity,
digital platforms, big data, electronic commerce and corporate
architecture, among others.

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