

Say what you feel

Cristina Núñez Pereira, Rafael Romero Valcárcel

19,40 €

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Eskuragarri 7 egunetan


Say what you feel

ISBN 978-84-941513-6-1
Orriak 96
Urtea 2016
Argitaletxea Palabras Aladas
Saila Infantil English

Emotionary: an illustrated dictionary of emotions. The Emotionary describes forty two emotional states.
An Emotionary. What a fantastic idea to help a person get to know themselves.
This Emotionary will help even the youngest reader to recognise their emotions and discuss their feelings. This makes it possible to channel those emotions properly, in turn allowing us to reach our full potential, without compromising our abilities.
The Emotionary can be seen as a fundamental pedagogical support. It allows the development of a child?s emotional intelligence, which is key to his or her self-acceptance and to healthy psycho-evaluative...

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development. For us to be happy, we must learn to integrate an understanding of our emotions into our psychological development.
The discovery, identification and differentiation of our emotions through this Emotionary provides young readers with a safe educational context in which to discover themselves and to grow into emotionally self-aware adults with the sensitivity required to meet life?s challenges.
Experiencing emotion is a human privilege, and learning to express our emotions will help us get closer to those we love.

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