The ABC’S of Tidying Up

The ABC’S of Tidying Up


19,71 €

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Eskuragarri 7 egunetan

The ABC’S of Tidying Up

ISBN 978-84-17557-03-4
Urtea 2019
Argitaletxea Monsa Publications
Saila Arquitectura Y Diseño

This book is not a decoration handbook and does not address so-called good or bad taste when it comes to interior design, neither does it seek to deliver a lecture on the latest trends. This book invites the reader to see their home with fresh eyes. It also invites them to carry out an exercise in introspection, to understand how they want to live and what they want from their home. In these pages you will find side-by-side the advice of Marie Kondo and the teachings of Hideko Yamashita through Danshari (a Japanese approach to tidying up).

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