Amelia wants a dog

Amelia wants a dog

Tim Bowley

14,00 €

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Disponible en 4-5 días

Amelia wants a dog

ISBN 978-84-8464-680-8
Páginas 36
Año 2011
Editorial Kalandraka
Sección Lectoras

Sometimes getting what you want means beating

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around the bush; a straightline is not always the
shortest distance between two points. Amelia employs
this strategy when she decides she wants a dog...if
her parents refuse, why not ask for the impossible?
From an eagle to a whale, from a horse to an
elephant, Amelia¿s attempts to convince her father
become increasingly absurd.
In addition to being a funny tale about mischievious
children and distracted parents, the story stands out
for its distinct structure. Tim Bowley uses repetition
and a cumulative structure -- techniques of the oral
tradition -- to capture the reader¿s attention.
A colourful work based on mixed media and collage, it
helps children understand concepts like the
responsibility of caring for pets, and the difference
between domestic animals who live with humans and
wild animals who need to be free.

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