Sacred Femininity and the politics of affect in African American women's fiction

Sacred Femininity and the politics of affect in African American women's fiction

Vicent Cucarella Ramón

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Sacred Femininity and the politics of affect in African American women's fiction

ISBN 978-84-9134-269-4
Orriak 184
Urtea 2018
Argitaletxea Puv
Saila Crítica Literaria

This book presents the way in which African American women writers (Hannah Crafts, Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison) have followed the spiritual endeavor of black Christianity as created by early nineteenth-century spiritual narratives to construct a sacred reading of the black female self. The sacred femininity that puts the ethics and aesthetics of African American women at the center of a certain mode of (African) Americanness relies on a view of spirituality that joins women ontologically and validates affective modes of representation as an innovative means to obtain social and personal empowerment. Aquest llibre presenta la...

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manera en què les escriptores afroamericanes (Hannah Crafts, Zora Neale Hurston i Toni Morrison) han seguit l'esforç espiritual del cristianisme negre creat per les narratives espirituals de principi del segle xix per a construir una lectura sagrada del jo negre femení. La feminitat sagrada que posa l'ètica i l'estètica de les dones afroamericanes en el centre d'una certa manera de ser americà (afro-americà) es basa en una visió de l'espiritualitat que uneix ontològicament les dones i valida les maneres afectives de representació com un mitjà innovador per a obtenir apoderament social i personal.

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