Evaluación del aprendizaje en educación no formal

Evaluación del aprendizaje en educación no formal

Recursos prácticos para el profesorado

Jose Luis Pulgar Burgos

17,00 €

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Evaluación del aprendizaje en educación no formal

Recursos prácticos para el profesorado

ISBN 978-84-277-1510-3
Orriak 176
Urtea 2011
Argitaletxea Narcea
Saila Pedagogía / Educación

EVALUATION OF LEARNING IN NON FORMAL EDUCATION - Practical resources for the teachers - This book offers elements, ideas and tools to improve the design of learning assessment in formative actions of non formal education. It presents a proposal based on 40 useful techniques to evaluate the different contents of learning: concepts, procedures and attitudes, of which 18 are developed in form format, besides other series of techniques and recommendations for the improvement of the teaching-learning processes. All of them are very creative and participative and dynamic methodologies.

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